Show of Force, founded in 2006 by veteran film and television producers Maro Chermayeff and Jeff Dupre, is known for creating award-winning feature documentaries, event television series, and groundbreaking transmedia projects. Their work includes the forthcoming 8-hour music series Soundbreaking, produced in partnership with legendary Beatles producer Sir George Martin; the Peabody and Emmy Award-winning Marina Abramović: The Artist is Present for HBO, Kehinde Wiley: An Economy of Grace, the 2014 SXSW Jury Prize winner for Best Documentary Short; Mann v. Ford, a feature-length documentary for HBO; the 6-hour PBS series Circus; and the Emmy Award-winning 10-hour PBS series Carrier. Their projects A Path Appears and Emmy Honors-recipient Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, based on the bestselling books by the Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, were two 4-hour broadcast series on PBS and multi-platform initiatives that reached more than 40 million people worldwide, generated 3 billion media impressions and included mobile and Facebook games. Show of Force is currently in production on a new multi-part series, Soundtracks: Songs That Made History, in partnership with Dwayne Johnson and Dany Garcia / Seven Bucks Productions, as well as a multi-platform initiative on the global refugee crisis being produced through their Social Good division called Humanity on the Move, which harnesses the power of storytelling to create change.


Never Let Him Go

In December 1988, Scott Johnson, a gay American mathematician, was found dead beneath a cliff in Sydney, Australia. His death was quickly determined to be a suicide. But Steve Johnson, Scott’s older brother, had doubts and would spend the next 35 years trying to solve the mystery of Scott’s death.


Winner 2023 News & Documentary Emmys | Outstanding Historical Documentary: On November 4, 1979, hundreds of Iranian student activists stormed the US Embassy in Tehran, taking over 60 Americans hostage. What was planned as a 48-hour sit-in to protest imperialism, soon ballooned into an international crisis that would extend 444 days.

Where Is Private Dulaney?

In 1979, Private Leroy Dulaney vanishes from his post at Camp Lejeune. The Marine Corps say he went AWOL, but his mother Carol knows in her gut that something is wrong.

Atlanta’s Missing and Murdered: The Lost Children

Between 1979 to 1981, at least 30 African-American children were murdered in Atlanta. Forty years later, this five-part docuseries tells the inside story of the shocking tragedy.

Sky and Ground

One refugee family faces incredible odds and countless setbacks as they travel over 3,000 miles across Europe.

Los Commandos

A teenage emergency responder wrestles with whether to leave El Salvador or stay and work amidst rampant gang violence and threats to her friends and family.

Towards The North

At a tiny refugee shelter in Tapachula, Mexico we meet Nelly and her daughter Joseline, who like millions of others, are fleeing extreme gang violence in Central America.


An eight-part, hour-long series exploring the music tied to pivotal moments in history.

We The Voters

We the Voters is a groundbreaking digital and social impact campaign that demystifies US politics and empowers voters to make a difference.


An eight-part series exploring the nexus of cutting-edge technology and human artistry that has created the soundtrack of our lives.

A Path Appears

A three-part PBS documentary series and transmedia project that explores the root causes of gender inequality and poverty across the U.S. and around the world.

Kehinde Wiley: An Economy of Grace

An award-winning short film that follows painter Kehinde Wiley as he creates his latest series of portraits, from concept to canvas.

Half The Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity For Women Worldwide

A four-hour documentary series for PBS that tells the stories of women and girls around the world who are living under the most difficult circumstances, and fighting bravely to change them.

Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present

A feature-length documentary for HBO that follows the fearless and controversial performance artist as she prepares for a major retrospective of her work at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Eminent Domains

A web series created for Vanity Fair profiling New York’s most legendary apartment buildings including the Dakota, the San Remo, 1040 Fifth Avenue and 15 Central Park West.

Mann vs. Ford

A feature-length documentary for HBO revealing how a community of people living in rural New Jersey paid a heavy price for the Ford Motor Company’s environmental irresponsibility.


A ten-hour series for PBS that explores everything from family and faith, to discipline and patriotism, to love and war on a 6-month deployment to the Persian Gulf aboard the USS Nimitz.

Amnesty International

This short film celebrates the 50th anniversary of Amnesty International and distills a half- century of advocacy and effective action on behalf of the world’s countless prisoners of conscience.


A six-part PBS series following the company and crew of the Big Apple Circus on an epic and unforgettable journey.


A documentary examining the transformative impact of a 15,000 km submarine fiber optic cable bringing high-speed internet access to some of the most remote parts of Africa for the first time.


A documentary venturing into the mysterious world of sleep, exploring the often unsettling and inexplicable behaviors that occur when our waking minds shut down.

Vaccines: Calling the Shots

A social media campaign for the PBS documentary Vaccines: Calling the Shots to create a robust online conversation around vaccinations and the science behind them.

Your Inner Fish

A social media campaign driving tune-in and engaging viewers during the broadcast of this PBS documentary series.

Constitution U.S.A. with Peter Sagal

A social media campaign supporting Twin Cities Public Television and PBS supporting the four-part documentary series Constitution U.S.A. with Peter Sagal.

Demand A Plan, Mayors Against Illegal Guns

A social media campaign for Mayors Against Illegal Guns raising awareness and focusing attention on gun-control legislation in the aftermath of the December 2012 Newtown Massacre.



Our mission is to create media and mobile tools to educate and empower people to take action on core social justice issues and to build successful models of behavioral change in digital communication and content–from strategy to measurement and evaluation–impacting NGOs, foundations and socially responsible corporations.

Show of Force: Social Good builds global campaigns that shine a light on successful programs and leverage a powerful and trusted network of media distributors, broadcasters, NGOs, actor/advocates and engaged global ambassadors to reach new audiences and further impact.


Maro Chermayeff


Maro Chermayeff’s numerous documentary films and television programs have toured the world in prestigious festivals, played theatrically, and been broadcast widely—on PBS, HBO, A&E, TLC, Bravo, Discovery, France 2 and Channel Four UK—garnering scores of honors and awards, as well as significant critical acclaim.

Jeff Dupre


Jeff has earned numerous illustrious honors, establishing him as producer/director with a knack both for managing complex large-scale productions and for bringing his subjects to life. His work has been released theatrically and screened at film festivals throughout the world as well as airing on PBS, HBO, the BBC, CNN and ARTE.

Josh Bennett

Executive Vice President

Joshua Bennett has over 15 years experience working in film and television production, and has produced shoots in over 35 countries and on all 7 continents. He produced the award winning TV series and trans-media campaign “Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide” with Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.


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